Latest Blogs Automated K8S Cluster Security using Kyverno Platform Engineering 101 Deploying a Scalable GitLab Runner on AWS EKS (A Step-by-Step Guide) Automatically Stopping an EC2 Instance Using AWS Lambda and EventBridge Automatically Stopping an EC2 Instance Using AWS Lambda and EventBridge How to Set Up Active Directory Domain Services on Windows Server 2022 Building Dashboards using Amazon Q in QuickSight and Gen BI Integrating Trivy and SonarQube with Jenkins Pipeline AWS Systems Manager 101 Session for AWS UG Punjab Resume API using AWS Lambda, Terraform & Github Actions Session for AWS UG Punjab Terraform Workspaces AWS DevSecOps (Snyk) Session for AWS UG Punjab AWS Real Time DevSecOps Project with Fawz cp AWS CI CD Pipeline Creation - STYAVA.Dev AWS CloudWatch Live Tail Create Resume API using AWS Lambda, Terraform & Github Actions AWS CI/CD Pipeline Creation for AWS ECS - Step by Step Amazon CloudWatch Logs Analysis using Amazon Athena & Amazon QuickSight Terraform Backend Using S3 and DynamoDB With State Locking AWS VPC Creation - Step by Step Guide WordPress with Amazon RDS database to Elastic Beanstalk AWS CI/CD Pipeline Creation - Step by Step Deploy simple web app to AWS ECS - Fargate Create Slack Notifications for AWS CloudWatch Alarms Make an Azure file share and connect using Windows
Latest Projects Personal Static website deploy uisng AWS Service AWS Real Time DevSecOps Project With Snyk Create Azure DevOps Pipeline with Azure App Service & Container Registry Jenkins pipeline with GitOps to deploy code into a Kubernetes cluster. CI part is done via Jenkins and CD part via ArgoCD Clinic REST-API made using AWS Serverless Services Cloud Native Monitoring App Deploy on AWS (Docker, AWS ECR, AWS EKS) Deploy PHP App to AWS ElasticBeanstalk, AWS ECS & Docker Compose Check Git Repo branches Deploy 2048 game on AWS Elastic Beanstalk using Docker
Jenkins pipeline with GitOps to deploy code into a Kubernetes cluster. CI part is done via Jenkins and CD part via ArgoCD
About Me Hi, I'm Lasantha Sanjeewa Silva, AWS Community Builder, DevOps Engineer, and Content Creater related to DevOps/Cloud & System administration. Connect With Me LinkedIn Twitter Github Youtube © By Lasantha Sanjeewa Silva 2025. All rights reserved.